Search found 19 matches

by shehold
Mon 2024-02-19 0:50
Forum: VS1010 Forum
Topic: VS1010 USB I2S ADC
Replies: 10
Views: 5828

Re: VS1010 USB I2S ADC

Almost all USB AUDIO solutions on the market support at least 24-32bit sampling rates, so 16BIT solutions do not have much market value
by shehold
Thu 2024-01-18 19:13
Forum: VS1010 Forum
Topic: VS1010 USB I2S ADC
Replies: 10
Views: 5828

Re: VS1010 USB I2S ADC

When to make a driver that supports 32BIT :lol: :lol: :lol:
by shehold
Mon 2023-11-06 15:36
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: Vocal Remover
Replies: 1
Views: 4108

Vocal Remover

I want to use 1005 to do a Vocal Remover function, to keep as much music details as possible, how can we well separate the vocal and accompaniment
by shehold
Fri 2023-10-13 5:17
Forum: VS1010 Forum
Topic: I2S DELAY
Replies: 1
Views: 942


I want to use 1010d to do a delay function, the maximum delay 30MS (48K/24bit), IIS input and output, system resources can?
by shehold
Sat 2023-08-19 18:04
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: IIS frame start delay (units of SCLK/BCK periods)
Replies: 2
Views: 3428

Re: IIS frame start delay (units of SCLK/BCK periods)

Another problem is that IIS in 32-bit mode, I read IIS on a 24bit data, the final read down value is what? For example: 0xFFFFFF(24BIT mode), static s_int32 myBuf[2*BUFSIZE]; fread(myBuf, sizeof(s_int32)*2, BUFSIZE, stdaudioin); //IIS INPUT 24BIT MODE value :0xFFFFFF //What is the *myBuf value read ...
by shehold
Sat 2023-08-19 12:23
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: IIS frame start delay (units of SCLK/BCK periods)
Replies: 2
Views: 3428

IIS frame start delay (units of SCLK/BCK periods)

I am now using IIS data, I want to know the clock problem of next frame synchronization, the external ADC is set to standard IIS format, VS1005 read and output data has been wrong (there is noise), my DAC frame synchronization data is set to 1.0 delay, which should be the standard IIS protocol. But ...
by shehold
Wed 2023-08-16 14:57
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: A problem with FTxREV applications
Replies: 2
Views: 3125

Re: A problem with FTxREV applications

I mainly do noise analysis for noise reduction algorithm processing, so select some frequencies selectively
by shehold
Mon 2023-08-07 12:02
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: A problem with FTxREV applications
Replies: 2
Views: 3125

A problem with FTxREV applications

I have such an application, in FTxREV, the signal path to add a filter, only select the frequency I need for FTxREV processing, apply FTOEQU program, is it feasible?
REV_EQ_FILTER.png (53.86 KiB) Viewed 3125 times
by shehold
Tue 2023-07-18 18:59
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: An error occurred during uninstalling FTOEQU, causing the system to crash
Replies: 4
Views: 3339

Re: An error occurred during uninstalling FTOEQU, causing the system to crash

But this is not the result I want, because I am playing, deciding whether to load FTOEQU, if AUXPLAY is turned off and restarted, the sound will be cut out, which gives the customer a very bad experience. So I want to load FTOEQU at any time, and be able to stop it immediately when it's not needed w...
by shehold
Tue 2023-07-18 11:19
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: An error occurred during uninstalling FTOEQU, causing the system to crash
Replies: 4
Views: 3339

An error occurred during uninstalling FTOEQU, causing the system to crash

play AUXPLAY.DL3 after I load FTOEQU(DRIVER +FTOEQU), I run 8 EQ, this time it works normally, when I stop FTOEQU(DRIVER -FTOEQU), there is a crash, the system prompts the following, what is the reason? Installed system devices: S: 896K SPI Flash c213, handled by FAT. Load drivers, config 0... Drive...