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by seb
Thu 2024-03-28 12:09
Forum: Stand-Alone Applications
Topic: VS1053b - reducing general midi latency?
Replies: 6
Views: 2623

Re: VS1053b - reducing general midi latency?

Thanks again for the help! I've tried to get this working on macOS running VSIDE in a virtual machine, but ran into trouble getting serial ports to be recognized. So I think I'll have to wait until I can access a windows computer to actually test this. However, are there any commands I can transmit ...
by seb
Wed 2024-03-27 11:57
Forum: Stand-Alone Applications
Topic: VS1053b - reducing general midi latency?
Replies: 6
Views: 2623

Re: VS1053b - reducing general midi latency?

Hi Pasi! Thanks for your detailed reply! As my design is right now I haven't implemented connections to the SCI bus and the GPIO is configured with resistors on board. I treat the VS1053 as a pure MIDI controlled sound generator. So I'd have to make a new PCB revision to implement these changes. I g...
by seb
Tue 2024-03-26 12:43
Forum: Stand-Alone Applications
Topic: VS1053b - reducing general midi latency?
Replies: 6
Views: 2623

VS1053b - reducing general midi latency?

Hi! I'm working on a product using the General Midi capabilities of the VS1053b chip and I've run in to some latency issues. I've designed a hardware module that takes both 5V gates from a modular synth system and hardware midi input to trigger the VS1053b's built in general midi synth. I've designe...