Search found 9 matches

by Ord
Fri 2011-10-28 20:38
Forum: DSP and Audio Software
Topic: biquad filters from dsplib.h
Replies: 1
Views: 8589

biquad filters from dsplib.h

Hi, I have been having a hard time to use the DspIir2Lq function from dsplib. I notice that the header definition shows it returns s_int32, but when I look at the dis-assembly of my program it seems to return only a 16 bit value in A0, so I cast it to a s_int16. I am calling it like this: // declare...
by Ord
Mon 2011-10-24 19:46
Forum: DSP and Audio Software
Topic: Plug ins source code
Replies: 5
Views: 5195

Re: Plug ins source code

Thank you!
by Ord
Sun 2011-10-09 1:52
Forum: DSP and Audio Software
Topic: Getting started with plugins
Replies: 1
Views: 3003

Getting started with plugins

Hello, to get started with writing plugins I made a very simple one with what I learned from the DTMF example. This one just outputs zeroes to one channel so I can tell it is working: #include "vs1003.h" auto void Silence(register __i1 s_int16 *lr, register __b0 s_int16 n){ register __i2 s...
by Ord
Sat 2011-10-08 9:30
Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
Topic: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown
Replies: 6
Views: 5506

Re: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown

Thanks for that extra detail. I have not been using shared mode, there are several other devices on the SPI bus so I am not sure how I could do it. The GPIO are all connected to user controls, so I think I will just check for the RTMIDI mode and if it is set I will go into a "self test" mo...
by Ord
Wed 2011-10-05 20:00
Forum: DSP and Audio Software
Topic: Plug ins source code
Replies: 5
Views: 5195

Plug ins source code


I have found the source code for the DTMF example and the PCM Mixer to be very helpful.

Is the source for the AD Mixer and the Spectrum Analyzer available somewhere?
by Ord
Fri 2011-09-30 19:36
Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
Topic: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown
Replies: 6
Views: 5506

Re: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown

Thanks! That is a very clear explanation.
by Ord
Mon 2011-09-26 15:35
Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
Topic: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown
Replies: 6
Views: 5506

vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown

Hello, in my application I want to use all 8 GPIO for inputs from switches, and I cannot be sure that they will always be low when the hardware reset happens. I know I could use a single IO pin from my processor to pull those two lines low when I make the reset, but I want to reserve the processor p...
by Ord
Mon 2011-09-26 15:13
Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
Topic: vs1053b SDI Sine test not working, SCI works - SOLVED
Replies: 7
Views: 7002

Re: vs1053b SDI Sine test not working, SCI works - SOLVED

Thanks Pasi :D

That is exactly what it was - I meant to have mode 0x0820 but put in 0x8020 instead. (I use microphone instead of line in) .

It works very well now, my board can read an MP3 file from a USB stick and play it back with no problems.

I'll post my other question in a new thread.
by Ord
Sun 2011-09-25 23:51
Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
Topic: vs1053b SDI Sine test not working, SCI works - SOLVED
Replies: 7
Views: 7002

vs1053b SDI Sine test not working, SCI works - SOLVED

Hello, I am using vs1053b chip on my own PCB, it is controlled by PIC24FJ64GB004 processor. I have not been able to make the sine test work by writing the SDI test sequence, but I can make the sine test by using the "New Sine and Sweep Tests" with the SCI interface. I have set the allow te...