Search found 9 matches
- Fri 2011-10-28 20:38
- Forum: DSP and Audio Software
- Topic: biquad filters from dsplib.h
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8589
biquad filters from dsplib.h
Hi, I have been having a hard time to use the DspIir2Lq function from dsplib. I notice that the header definition shows it returns s_int32, but when I look at the dis-assembly of my program it seems to return only a 16 bit value in A0, so I cast it to a s_int16. I am calling it like this: // declare...
- Mon 2011-10-24 19:46
- Forum: DSP and Audio Software
- Topic: Plug ins source code
- Replies: 5
- Views: 5195
Re: Plug ins source code
Thank you!
- Sun 2011-10-09 1:52
- Forum: DSP and Audio Software
- Topic: Getting started with plugins
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3003
Getting started with plugins
Hello, to get started with writing plugins I made a very simple one with what I learned from the DTMF example. This one just outputs zeroes to one channel so I can tell it is working: #include "vs1003.h" auto void Silence(register __i1 s_int16 *lr, register __b0 s_int16 n){ register __i2 s...
- Sat 2011-10-08 9:30
- Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
- Topic: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5506
Re: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown
Thanks for that extra detail. I have not been using shared mode, there are several other devices on the SPI bus so I am not sure how I could do it. The GPIO are all connected to user controls, so I think I will just check for the RTMIDI mode and if it is set I will go into a "self test" mo...
- Wed 2011-10-05 20:00
- Forum: DSP and Audio Software
- Topic: Plug ins source code
- Replies: 5
- Views: 5195
Plug ins source code
I have found the source code for the DTMF example and the PCM Mixer to be very helpful.
Is the source for the AD Mixer and the Spectrum Analyzer available somewhere?
I have found the source code for the DTMF example and the PCM Mixer to be very helpful.
Is the source for the AD Mixer and the Spectrum Analyzer available somewhere?
- Fri 2011-09-30 19:36
- Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
- Topic: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5506
Re: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown
Thanks! That is a very clear explanation.
- Mon 2011-09-26 15:35
- Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
- Topic: vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5506
vs1053 Startup with GPIO0/GPIO1 unknown
Hello, in my application I want to use all 8 GPIO for inputs from switches, and I cannot be sure that they will always be low when the hardware reset happens. I know I could use a single IO pin from my processor to pull those two lines low when I make the reset, but I want to reserve the processor p...
- Mon 2011-09-26 15:13
- Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
- Topic: vs1053b SDI Sine test not working, SCI works - SOLVED
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7002
Re: vs1053b SDI Sine test not working, SCI works - SOLVED
Thanks Pasi
That is exactly what it was - I meant to have mode 0x0820 but put in 0x8020 instead. (I use microphone instead of line in) .
It works very well now, my board can read an MP3 file from a USB stick and play it back with no problems.
I'll post my other question in a new thread.

That is exactly what it was - I meant to have mode 0x0820 but put in 0x8020 instead. (I use microphone instead of line in) .
It works very well now, my board can read an MP3 file from a USB stick and play it back with no problems.
I'll post my other question in a new thread.
- Sun 2011-09-25 23:51
- Forum: Slave Decoder Applications
- Topic: vs1053b SDI Sine test not working, SCI works - SOLVED
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7002
vs1053b SDI Sine test not working, SCI works - SOLVED
Hello, I am using vs1053b chip on my own PCB, it is controlled by PIC24FJ64GB004 processor. I have not been able to make the sine test work by writing the SDI test sequence, but I can make the sine test by using the "New Sine and Sweep Tests" with the SCI interface. I have set the allow te...