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by pasi
Tue 2025-02-04 17:40
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: Programatically reset device with C
Replies: 4
Views: 142

Re: Programatically reset device with C

Watchdog is the number one way for me to restart the system from scratch in products, e.g. after a firmware update or waking up from standby (when standby has turned off so many things that turning them back on is just unnecessarily duplicated code). In the case of vs1005 / vs1010 keeping PWRBTN hig...
by pasi
Tue 2025-01-28 16:51
Forum: System Software
Topic: SPI FLASH programming by USB.
Replies: 3
Views: 125

Re: SPI FLASH programming by USB.

So far, I haven't had success using pcflash. Programming through VSIDE's Prommer/Flasher utility has been working well. pcflash connects to the vs1000 chip in the same way as the VSIDE's prommer, so the issue is probably just in the parameters. The newest pcflash also has different erase options. O...
by pasi
Mon 2025-01-27 13:02
Forum: System Software
Topic: SPI FLASH programming by USB.
Replies: 3
Views: 125

Re: SPI FLASH programming by USB.

Unfortunately loading the firmware through USB is complex due to the small size of the VS1000's RAMDISK (6.5kB). UART is the easiest. Once the firmware is there (and supports USB mass storage for the SPI FLASH), the content could be programmed through USB, although for small contents programming the...
by pasi
Fri 2024-12-20 13:04
Forum: Microcontroller Software
Topic: VS1063 Cancelling playback whilst paused
Replies: 3
Views: 2677

Re: VS1063 Cancelling playback whilst paused

When I play a new file a distortion of audio around 500ms is done. I have muted the vs1053b before to send a new audio file but the issue stills present. Is SCI_HDAT1 0 before you start sending the new file? What does the distortion sound like? Is the whole 500ms distorted? What are the formats of ...
by pasi
Wed 2024-12-11 15:15
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: SD Card powered by the VS1005 IOVDD
Replies: 3
Views: 1157

Re: SD Card powered by the VS1005 IOVDD

For your own tests / use, sure, you can try to power the SD from IOVDD. If you're only reading from the card, and the card goes to idle state at all, then reading will also work (most of the time). Increasing the values of the IOVDD capacitors too much may have an opposite effect instead of helping....
by pasi
Thu 2024-11-28 11:19
Forum: Microcontroller Software
Topic: vs1053 fast forward problem
Replies: 12
Views: 2145

Re: vs1053 fast forward problem

What are the symptoms? Are you using fast-play (and sending all of the data), or skipping?

The vs1053b is rated at 55.3MHz. If you use a high internal clock for the vs1053, then also make sure your CVDD is both stable and high enough.
by pasi
Tue 2024-11-26 16:01
Forum: VS1005 and VSOS Software
Topic: Unexplained Errors
Replies: 5
Views: 1228

Re: Unexplained Errors

What kind of completely random errors you get? Are the functions returning error codes, or the data just ends up being garbage?
by pasi
Tue 2024-11-19 12:05
Forum: Microcontroller Software
Topic: DREQ always HIGH when read on MP3Click module
Replies: 1
Views: 905

Re: DREQ always HIGH when read on MP3Click module

What do you read from SCI_AUDATA? If you get 0xac45, then the vs1053 probably is in real-time MIDI mode. When I start my program I pull the reset pin high, wait 50ms and then pull it low using digital write xRESET is active low, so there apparently is an inverter in the line of you have the high and...
by pasi
Thu 2024-10-03 15:08
Forum: Microcontroller Software
Topic: vs1053 fast forward problem
Replies: 12
Views: 2145

Re: vs1053 fast forward problem

Timeout and software reset should help. If the decoder stays stuck with DREQ high, what does HDAT1 contain? The mp3 decoder should not get stuck. If there are errors for other formats, there is a larger possibility of getting stuck. If the mp3 file contains an ID3v2 tag, then it may take a long whil...
by pasi
Tue 2024-10-01 10:13
Forum: Microcontroller Software
Topic: UART MIDI latency optimization and dynamics
Replies: 1
Views: 916

Re: UART MIDI latency optimization and dynamics

For Real-Time MIDI latency, see: You're right that the UART FIFO has a chance of being overrun with the ROM code when a lot of notes are active (but see the above for a patch). The MIDI decoder generates output in 64-sample blocks. Volume change...