Here's a potentially useful piece of software for the VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board for those who have been looking forward to using it as a music player. This software, based on the VS1053 Hi-Fi Player software uses the SD card to make a music player.
To use this software, you need to tweak the hardware a little, because there's a bug in the board design that prevents reliable SD card resetting, causing random power failures instead. The fix is simple, and actually there's more than one option:
- you can remove capacitor C36 (located near the SD card)
- OR you can increase C29 to 47u
- OR you can short circuit pin 4 of JP1 (SD#ON) to GND, disabling the SD card reset capability. This forces the SD card to be switched on all the time, circumventing the bug.
- Uses SD card with FAT or FAT32 file system.
- Should play all or most of VS1053 supported music files.
- Supports 1.77 inch TFT LCD.
- Decodes SLCD video (160x120) at roughly 5...10 fps, suitable for example for city guide / museum guide / tour guide players, to show to the listener what is being talked about.
- Handles the two way multiplexed button matrix of the developer board.
As it is, the source code should be an ok (and so far the only available) starting point for developing applications that use the SD card and/or play music using the developer board.
This version is for VS1053b, look below for VS1063a version.