Player software for VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board

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Player software for VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board

Post by Panu »

Dear All,

Here's a potentially useful piece of software for the VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board for those who have been looking forward to using it as a music player. This software, based on the VS1053 Hi-Fi Player software uses the SD card to make a music player.

To use this software, you need to tweak the hardware a little, because there's a bug in the board design that prevents reliable SD card resetting, causing random power failures instead. The fix is simple, and actually there's more than one option:
  • you can remove capacitor C36 (located near the SD card)
  • OR you can increase C29 to 47u
  • OR you can short circuit pin 4 of JP1 (SD#ON) to GND, disabling the SD card reset capability. This forces the SD card to be switched on all the time, circumventing the bug.
devboard_slcd.jpg (212.41 KiB) Viewed 22097 times
  • Uses SD card with FAT or FAT32 file system.
  • Should play all or most of VS1053 supported music files.
  • Supports 1.77 inch TFT LCD.
  • Decodes SLCD video (160x120) at roughly 5...10 fps, suitable for example for city guide / museum guide / tour guide players, to show to the listener what is being talked about.
  • Handles the two way multiplexed button matrix of the developer board.
Then a word of caution. Please be advised that this code is a rough work, alpha quality, basically just a proof of concept. It's not production quality software and has very limited functionality: volume up, volume down, skip to next file. It was written by first taking the VS1053 Hi-Fi player source code and then rewriting the parts that are different in the Developer Board, such as SD card handling, display and the buttons. The history, that stems from as far as the VS1003 and VS1011 Stand-Alone players can be seen in the structure of the program, which can be quite hard to read due to extreme memory and variable usage limitations of the VS1011/VS1003 chips for which the underlying player main loop was originally written. Also the code probably has many lines left that only would make sense in the Hi-Fi player, but have not been removed.

As it is, the source code should be an ok (and so far the only available) starting point for developing applications that use the SD card and/or play music using the developer board.

This version is for VS1053b, look below for VS1063a version.
Source Code for VS1053, VSIDE Solution
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Player software for VS1063 Developer Board

Post by Panu »

Hi again!

Here's the above software, ported to VS1063A developer board.

Experimental player software for VS1063A developer board, source code, VSIDE Solution
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Re: Player software for VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board

Post by nikhil232k5 »

Hello Sir,

I tried the same on board and after programmed board its shows ok but still i m not able to read SD card

Kindly support
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Re: Player software for VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board

Post by nikhil232k5 »

Dear Sir,

As per forum we have done below changes:-

removed capacitor C36 (located near the SD card)
increased C29 to 47u
shorted pin 4 of JP1 (SD#ON) to GND,

after completion added ""Devhifiplayer.solution"file on VSIDE, build and programmed than after programmed it's found "OK" as per attached pic.

after completion of the above written process we are unable to read SD card.

Kindly provide the solution or look on the matter ASAP.

Nikhil Gupta
Fiem Industries Ltd
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Re: Player software for VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board

Post by Panu »

As per forum we have done below changes:-

removed capacitor C36 (located near the SD card)
increased C29 to 47u
shorted pin 4 of JP1 (SD#ON) to GND,

after completion added ""Devhifiplayer.solution"file on VSIDE, build and programmed than after programmed it's found "OK" as per attached pic.

after completion of the above written process we are unable to read SD card.
Could you answer a couple of questions...

1) Do you have VS1053 or VS1063 board?

2) Which firmware you are trying to upload?

3) When you start the program, what is shown on the LCD display?

4) Is the unmodified firmware "" (for VS1063) or "" (for vs1053) able to play an MP3 file from the root directory of the SD card if it's the only file on the SD card?

5) have you tried more than one SD card? The software is old, it may not work with all cards.

6) in the end, what exactly are you wanting or trying or needing to do? If we know what your end goal is, we can support you better.

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Re: Player software for VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board

Post by nikhil232k5 »

Dear Sir,

Please check below points:-

I have upload for play audio file.

I have tried with multiple SD cards.

We required:-

Play Audio / Video through SD card on headphone or Audio in
Play Microphone

Thanks and Regards,
Nikhil Gupta
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Re: Player software for VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board

Post by pasi »

If you want to test the microphone, the attached version includes a short code to start encoding with suitable parameters for the microphone.

Also note that you need to move the analog input jumpers from the FM radio setting to the microphone setting.
devboard_slcd.jpg (211.05 KiB) Viewed 21494 times
vs1053b developer board solution with added code for microphone loopback
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Re: Player software for VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board

Post by lijinqiu1 »

I have a quest with the boot select button on the Developer Board.
I see the datasheet, "If GPIO0 is set with a pull-up resistor to 1 at boot time, VS1063a tries to boot from external SPI memory.".
But whenever I push or release the boot select button,the gpio0 allways be pulled high. So what dose the mean fo select button(S10)?
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Re: Player software for VS1053/VS1063 Developer Board

Post by Panu »

Hmm, I think it might cut the chip select from the SPI flash so that it doesn't give out any boot data...?

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