I2S drivers for VS1005

Discussion about writing software for VS1005 and the VSOS Operating System. Also posts about VS1005-related hardware design and device drivers should be posted here.
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I2S drivers for VS1005

Post by Henrik »


Attached to this message are new I2S drivers for VS1005.

The functionality for VS1005g is kept exactly the same as for the latest release of the drivers. However, they now also compile and work on our prototype IC, VS1005h. The I2S hardware has changed for the prototype chip, and thus just compiling a Universal Binary wasn't in this case enough. Essentially, the binary now contains completely separate versions of the drivers for each IC revision, and the loader than automatically chooses the driver that matches its hardware. So, while the files are about double the size as before, loading them will not take more RAM memory.

If you want to modify and recompile the drivers, vs1005h.h needs to be modified. I have attached also that file. It will of course be a part of the next official VSIDE release.

Kind regards,
- Henrik
New I2S drivers compatible with both VS1005g and VS1005h
(203.67 KiB) Downloaded 270 times
To compile the new project, copy vs1005h.h from this file to your VSIDE installation's directory libvs1005h_vsos3/
(14.01 KiB) Downloaded 270 times
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