I want to get the VS chip unique ID.
By using the address (0x1e3e), Can I get the Unique Chip ID? I'm using the below code for the MAC address.You can enable the serial number and write the serial number fields in parametric_x to a fixed value (0x1e3e->WRAMADDR, 1->WRAM, 0->WRAM) before starting the encoding.
(You can also overwrite the cosmetic chip ID if you want.)
Code: Select all
u_int16 *ptr = (u_int16 *)0x1e3e; // MSP430->0x1A0A & VS1010-> 0x1e3e
// get MAC_ID
MAC_ID[0] = ptr[0]; // wafer ID
MAC_ID[1] = ptr[1];
MAC_ID[2] = ptr[2]; // X position
MAC_ID[3] = ptr[3]; // Y Pisition
printf("MAC ID: %x:%x:%x:%x\r\n", MAC_ID[0], MAC_ID[1], MAC_ID[2], MAC_ID[3]);