VSIDE current version is 2.48

Installing and using VSIDE tools for VLSI Solution's devices that contain a VSDSP signal processor.
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VSIDE current version is 2.48

Post by Lasse »

In addition to this page, see also the VSOS Kernel thread which frequently has new VSIDE installation images.

Version 2.48, see viewtopic.php?p=14108#p14108

Version 2.47, see viewtopic.php?f=2&t=298&p=989#p13570

Version 2.46; see viewtopic.php?f=2&t=298&p=989#p12683

Version 2.39; see viewtopic.php?f=13&t=680&start=50#p8942

Version 2.36; see viewtopic.php?f=13&t=680&start=40#p8098

Version 2.27; see viewtopic.php?f=13&t=680&start=10#p5446

2014-01-29; Version 2.25, see viewtopic.php?t=680&p=4997#p4997 In addition to new VS1005 templates, 2.25 also contains new version of the LCC compiler and the Emulator can show raw ASCII UART output from VS10xx.

Version 2.24; see viewtopic.php?f=2&t=298&p=4953#p4953

Version 2.20; downdload from viewtopic.php?t=680&p=4153#p4153

Version 2.17; download the attached file (see the end of this post).

Version 2.14, download from below. More details in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=680#p3029

2012-08-23: You are welcome to download v 2.13 installer from download/file.php?id=213.

2012-06-27: You can download VSIDE 2.12 installer from here.

Note: If you have problems with the compiler not working properly, try installing VSIDE to C:\VSIDE and your solutions to C:\VSIDE\SOLUTIONS.

Should you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding VSIDE, please feel free to post in this forum section!

Here is the revision history and changelog:

Version 2.17
  • * Added template for VS8053, VS1053 and VS1063 developer board, introducing C level interrupt handlers
    * Added interrupt handler support for the C compiler (lcc)
    * Miscellaneous prommer applications now provided as VSIDE solutions (located in 'templates' folder)
    * New solution templates added (VSOS etc), fixed memory descriptors to allow full access to RAM during debugging
    * A VSIDE project is now autosaved whenever it is modified
    * VSOS kernel version 0.23
    * Added code editor feature: Find in files - search for a matching string in a large set of files
    * Code editor now has overwrite mode :mrgreen:
    * Miscellaneous small fixes
Version 2.12
  • * Added basic support for VS1005g
    * Removed support for VS1005f. If you need to target VS1005f, please use version 2.11 from here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=640
Version 2.10b12
  • * Improved UART handling: hardware emulator recovers better from lost sync
    * Breakpoints work better than before
    * New solutions and projects no longer contain absolute paths, which increses portability of new projects
    * Fixed crash when reading large project files
    * Fixed 2.10b10 bug which made VS1000 projects not compile properly for some users
    * Fix since 2.10b11: debugger shows long integers and structures better with the "p" command
Version 2.09
  • * Improved emulator stability
    * Added new help system framework
    * Added VS1053 programmer's reference
    * Fixed "active variables" view with structure datatypes
    * Miscellaneous bug-fixes
Version 2.08b2
  • * Prommer tool improved: a new, parametric framework makes future extensions easier
    * Added prommer for VS1000 24-bit SPI Flash
    * Improved support for overlay projects (VS1000, VS1053)
    * Added post-build step for solutions
    * Fixed pre-build step for projects
    * Added duplication tool for projects(1)
    * Re-introduced detection of outside-the-editor modifications to opened source files
    * Added "signed integer" column to register value window
    * Introduced workspace files (*.vside_ws): VSIDE now remembers open files from the previous session
    * Added the possiblitiy to rename project files directly from solution browser
    * Miscellaneous usability improvements, including quick access to file explorer(2)
    * Major internal rewrite: eliminated dependency of the legacy QT3 support library
    * beta 2: quick fix for folder names in makefiles
1) Right-click on a project in solution explorer and select 'Duplicate Project'

2) Right-click on a source file's title tab in code editor (Windows only)

Version 2.07
  • * Added serial port monitor ("dumb terminal") [windows only]
    * Added code editor feature: right-click to quickly open header files included in C code
    * Solution build will now stop at first failed project
    * Save-all function now saves solutions also
    * Fixed search-and-replace in code editor
    * Static libraries are no longer linked with startup module
    * Fixed pre-build step functionality for projects
    * VS1053 library headers updated
    * Added matching brace highlighter to code editor
Version 2.06
  • * Added COM port parameter autodetection for various VLSI boards [windows only]
    * Improved serial port handshaking (the board should require a reset less often)
    * Improved stability when creating new solutions
    * Added automatic parsing of C-file dependencies with their respective header files (during build)(1)
    * Added VSDSP4 platform for software simulation
    * Added VS8053 solution template
    * Fixed build process environment: VSIDE's home path will precede everything else
    * Improved indentation behavior in code editor (block indent/unindent, "smart" line indent)
    * Improved find functionality in code editor
    * Added preferences dialog: the user can now change the editor font, indentation behavior etc.
    * Fixed profiling information browser's line feed
    * Added ability to prommer/flasher utility (prom EEPROMs and SPI flashes with VS1053)
    * Added VS1003 platform
1) As for now, #include "header.h" will generate a dependency - #include <header.h> will not
VSIDE installer for Windows
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Update: V 2.09

Post by Panu »

Windows installer for the VSIDE version 2.09 is available as an attachment [file size ~10 MB].

The previous version (2.08) can still be found here.
VSIDE v2.10b12 Windows Installer
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VSIDE v2.09 Windows Installer
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VSIDE 2.24

Post by Panu »

You can download the VSIDE 2.24 from here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=680#p4751

Also attached is an experimental vside/plugins/emulator.system library which allows to see raw UART ascii output in the Standard I/O window. Very useful in some cases. Test it if you feel like you need it. It will be included in some future version of VSIDE.
Experimental emulator module to allow raw UART input in StdIn window. Also auto-disables VS1005 power button reset when connected. Copy to your vside\plugins folder
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VSIDE 2.46

Post by Panu »

Dear VSDSP Developers,

Here is a new version of VSIDE, version 2.46. It has been updated quite a lot. It contains updated C standard library and C standard header files for all devices (VS1000, VS1010, VS1011, VS1003, VS1103, VS1053, VS1063 and VS1005). This should only be a positive change, e.g. improved performance, added headers, some more functions added, but of course, with a major change like this, it's quite possible that some old code may break. If this happens to you, please get in touch with us and we'll get it sorted out, no worries.

For VS1005, this release contains the necessary header file and library updates to compile the latest VSOS kernel, 3.57, which is available here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=680&start=90#p12649.

For VS1010, this release adds support for the VS1010D and removes the VS1010-specific linker (link1010b1.exe), unifying it with the VS1005 VSOS linker, voplinkg.exe. Compiling old VS1010 solutions with this version should show a clear error message instructing you what to do:
link1010b1.exe is deprecated and merged with voplinkg.exe
In VSIDE->Project Properties->Tools change linker from 'link1010b1' to 'voplinkg'
In VSIDE->Project Properties->Linker set additional options to '-p 2 -t $(PROJNAME)'
As always, please report to us any problems you might have, and we'll take care of things together!
Please report VS1005 problems here and VS1010 problems here.
VSIDE Version 2.46. Windows 32-bit executable installer. Can be run under Wine in other environments.
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Re: VSIDE v2.47

Post by Henrik »

Dear VSDSP Developers,

here is a new release of VSIDE, version 2.47. It has many updates pertinent to VS1005. For VS1005 it contains:
  • Templates for the brand-new VSOS 3.60
  • A slightly enhanced Flash prommer
  • Updates to .h files, and updates to bug fixes and libraries (e.g. memory leak for mkdir() call has been corrected)
The new version can be downloaded from VLSI Solution's official VSIDE page at

Happy programming!

Kind regards,
- Henrik
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Re: VSIDE current version is 2.47

Post by Panu »

Dear VS1010 users,
Here are some additional files to be copied to libvs1010 folder. These will be included in the next version and this temporary message can be removed.

New files for libvs1010
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VSIDE v2.48

Post by Henrik »

Dear VSDSP Developers,

we are extremely happy to offer you a new release of VSIDE, version 2.48. This is a pretty major release, particularly for VS1010 and VS1005, but also other cores. It has, amongst others, the following changes:
  • Many include file updates for all VLSI's ICs, particularly for VS1010 and VS1005.
  • Updated VS1005G/H Internal and External Flash Prommer.
  • Updated lcc.exe, combineimage.exe, and DL3Info.exe.
  • Added command line version of DL3info.exe, called dl3infoc.exe. It has the same functionality as DL3Info.exe, except that it is a command line tool that outputs in the shell, not a window of its own. For usage, type "dl3infoc -h".
  • VSOS 3.63 for VS1005g Internal and External Flash provided as templates.
  • Replaced C Compiler LCC v1.59 with LCC v1.62. The new compiler removes a large amounts of compiler bugs, but creates 2.5% larger code. If you absolutely need to compile a Project using the old compiler, you can do that by Right Clinking upon each project, then selecting Properties -> Tools -> C Compiler EXE (as shown in image below), then replacing lcc with lcc_v159. If your solution contains more than one project, remember to do the change for each project.
How to change Project Properties.
How to change Project Properties.
ProjectProperties.png (11.37 KiB) Viewed 14615 times

The new version can be downloaded from VLSI Solution's official VSIDE page at

Happy programming!

Kind regards,
- Henrik
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VSIDE v2.48 upgrade files

Post by Henrik »

Dear Forum members,

this message contains upgrade files for VSIDE 2.48. Using these files makes it possible to compile and link VS1005g VSOS 3.66 and all associated VSIDE Solutions. Amongst other things it contains our current C Compiler LCC v1.70.

VSOS 3.66 for VS1005g is available through the following link:

To install the upgrade files, do the following 2 steps:

STEP 1/2: Install VSIDE 2.48

Check which version you have of VSIDE: VSIDE -> Help -> About.

If you already have VSIDE 2.48 installed, you don't have to do this step.

If you have an older VSIDE installation, or no VSIDE, install VSIDE 2.48 using the attachment of the following message:

STEP 2/2: Copy upgrade files on top of VSIDE directories

Find where your VSIDE installation is on your computer.
Then, copy the contents of the attached upgrade .zip file on top of that installation.
The directories contained in the upgrade are:
  • bin/
  • libvs1005g/
  • libvs1005g_vsos3/
  • libvs1005h/
  • libvs1005h_vsos3/
By copying the contents of these directories, you will, amongst other things, get the C compiler LCC upgraded to version 1.70.

I hope this upgrade provides useful for everyone!

Kind regards,
- Henrik
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