PlayDirR - Player with fast song repeat capability

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PlayDirR - Player with fast song repeat capability

Post by Henrik »


Attached to this message is a new VS1005 audio player, PlayDirR.dl3. PlayDirR is an audio player capable of playing audio files a directory at the time. It is much like PlayDir, except that it enables a fast, sample-accurate and seamless song repeat function.

Documentation for the application is provided in the attached PDF document VS1005 VSOS Shell 3.66b, Chapter 7.1.65, PlayDirR, and Chapter 8, Using the UART Controlled Player PlayDir.

The new command line options are -r and +r to turn song repeat on and off, respectively. From they keyboard interface the keys 'z' and 'x' are used to turn the song repeat mode off and on, respectively (see Chapter 8.3, PlayDir Control Keys for all key controls).

The README.TXT file in the PlayDirR solutin folder contains additional information on how to install and use this application.

Kind regards,
- Henrik
PlayDirR v1.05
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Documentation, including PlayDirR
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