MP3 playback, pitch control

Writing software that inputs and/or outputs audio and performs DSP algorithms such as filters, new codecs or audio effects.
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MP3 playback, pitch control

Post by twoseventhree »

hi, I'm looking to make a MP3 player, with functionality to pitch adjust the playback on the fly. can any of the VS products achieve this?
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Re: MP3 playback, pitch control

Post by pasi »

VS1063a has speed/pitch shifter in ROM, and vs1053b-patches package has a loadable code that implements the same for vs1053b. These are slave decoder chips to be used with your own controller.

vs1005 also has a driver to implement speed/pitch shifter. vs1000 can also do pitch shifting (viewtopic.php?t=2502), but doesn't have as much programming support as vs1005.

The implementation, however, is not state of the art, so you should check if it's good enough for your application.
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Re: MP3 playback, pitch control

Post by twoseventhree »

thanks! is there somewhere where there's a list of the functionality of the VS chips?
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Re: MP3 playback, pitch control

Post by pasi »

The list gets bigger the more into detail you go about the functionality.

The ROM functionality is described in the datasheets. For the slave decoders the first page of the datasheet lists the important things like decoders, encoders, and "effects". The functionality can be extended by loadable applications, patches and plugins ( ).

vs1005 and vs1010 (less so the older vs1000) can run a lot of different user software and have their own pages and forum threads.
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