Linux command line build system

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Linux command line build system

Post by Hannu »

Dear VS1010 users,

To use VSIDE under Wine on Linux, you don't need this.

It has been wished for to have a command line build system without running VSIDE on Linux.

Here is Makefile driven system. This allows to do interesting workflows. Its staus is like modern software: "Seems to work for me, let's release"
Also this isn't the supported way to do things so you are pretty much on your own.

There is a dependency to VSIDE installation. I install to C:\VSIDE and if that gives problems, fix from proj/vs1010
The VS1010 voplinkg linker has a unsolvable Windows dependency so it is executed under Wine. Other dependencies I don't know. The tools are x86 binaries and mainly depend on libc.

Reports starting with "I found a problem and fixed it like this" are very welcome.

And if someone missed: NO SUPPORT, USE VSIDE with Wine

Happy Hacking
My VS1010 command line tool setup
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