For a few years now I have had a device working well recording good quality high frequency data to SD card, and another device which as been recording low frequency data to multiple SD cards based on your 8 SD daughter board you put the designs up for a few years ago(viewtopic.php?t=2160)
Recently I have been tasked with making a high frequency recorder that can be deployed for months at a time. I started by designed a PCB based on the HiRes BOB v2. As I always do i prototyped it up on Vero board. There were loads of write failures, I realised I was using the old SDSD driver so updated it to SDSD23 but with this little bit of script to select the correct SD card.
Code: Select all
if (x==1 || x==3 || x==5 || x==7){GpioSetPin(0x00,1);}
if (x==2 || x==3 || x==6 || x==7){GpioSetPin(0x01,1);}
if (x>3){GpioSetPin(0x02,1);}
So, this leads me to think that the problem is likely to be caused by the maelstrom of wires I have between the breakout boards, multiplexer and sd card.
before I go ahead and order the PCBS could you possibly confirm a few things?
a) using the above design for multiple SD cards had been tried with the VS23S040?
b) could having a suboptimal routing of wires be the cause of the seemigly random errors?
Thanks again