VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Discussion about writing software for VS1005 and the VSOS Operating System. Also posts about VS1005-related hardware design and device drivers should be posted here.
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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by MiguelTavares »

Hi, i really appreciate the fast response. I'm using a normal microphone that has the problem you said (output in the tens of mV). However, with the changes you recommended of selecting "auinput mic1 mic2" in the shell command I was able to listening to a sound in the recording. In the datasheet, there is an entry referring to the register where the amplifier gain is being set (ANA_CF3_GAIN1). Here it's said that the gain is of 11dB by default when the board is reset. Is there a way to, via shell, alter the gain of this amplifier?

Once again, thank you for your response.
Miguel Tavares.
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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by Hannu »

One thing about the mentioned auinput command I gave: It enables bot channels for mic. However the line input connector will be differential and the mic2 will float. So the record will have one channel of mic and the other will be noise.

preg ANA_CF3

And with a quick look on the AUIADC driver, I'll say that the gain is 20 dB.

I'm surprised it worked. so much that you were able to record something meaningful.
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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by MiguelTavares »

Hi, sorry, but I did not understand if there is or not a way to select the gain in the shell. In the meanwhile, I constructed the microphone circuit in a pref board, but as expected the signal is a bit nosy, but the volume of the recording is clearly higher.

Thank you.
Miguel Tavares.
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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by Hannu »

It looks like there isn't preg installed. It is nice tool to poke registers and memories. Add preg.dl3 to your sys directory, and you should be able read and modify the gains. Driver doesn't care after source is set to mic.

https://www.vlsi.fi/fileadmin/software/ ... _Shell.pdf chapter 7.1.68 documents preg and the tool can be found from roots and sources. It also need the preg.dat which is at least on my board already there.
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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by MiguelTavares »

I have the 'VS1005 Breakout Board Mk2 - Recorder'. Now I wanted to test the playback functionality of the IC; however, I do not want to playback the last recorded file but one of my choice. I have searched the 'VS1005 VSOS SHELL' document and I found a reference to the 'PlayFile' shell environment. When I tried to use this, I saw that it is not present in the software on the board. How can I use it? Is there a download page for this? How can I move this application to the board?

I also seem to be having problems connecting to the board using putty in Windows 11. Is this expected?

Thank you in advance.
Miguel Tavares.
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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by Hannu »

This ended up rather long with many small bits of information.

First the hiresrec has it's own player too. It is documented in the hiresrec document which can be found at least from VSOS_366_RootAndLibrariesSourceCode/docs/HiResRec_Bob2_v071.pdf which is the program distribution set from VSOS thread

And when you want to access to the internal flash file system, You need to pull up D0 pin during reset. And for SD card that would be D0 and D1.

However there are ways to get around it.
I think it could go something like adding ums.dl3, del.dl3 and copyf.dl3 to usb stick (FAT filesystem)
Then from VS1005 driver +usbhost u:
u:del s:sys/inttrace.dl3
Other good candidates for deletion are trace.dl3 liblist2.dl3. After all there is only less than 1 MB space.

u:copyf u:copyf.dl3 s:sys/copyf.dl3
copyf u:ums.dl3 s:sys/ums.dl3
driver -usbhost
Remove stick, attach cable
ums s: or ums d:

Is your problem that you can't connect to the serial port?

When there are issues with the really reliable PL2023 UART cable, you have too new driver version. If I remember correctly it shows in device manager as "GET AN OS WHERE MANUFACTURERS CAN'T MAKE YOUR DEVICES OBSOLETE" or something along the lines

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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by MiguelTavares »

Hi, I have solved my previous questions. Thanks for all the help. I now have one more question: is it possible to use the mini USB connector to send commands to start/stop the recording? This is in contrast to using the TX/RX pins.

Thank you.
Miguel Tavares.
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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by Hannu »

Short answer: No.

Long Answer:
USB requires 60 MHz clock which is too slow for hiresrec. Hiresrec is big program and there isn't memory available.

And if it was technically possible, someone (probably me) would have to write the USB CDC driver for VS1005.
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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by MiguelTavares »

Thank you for the response. I will continue to use the UART. I have one more question: from practical measurements, it seems that when the VS1005 is in normal operation, the USB lines are in an inactive state. Is that the case? If there is another signal present on the lines, will that impact the VS1005?

Thank you.

Miguel Tavares
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Re: VS1005 4-channel HiRes Recorder

Post by Hannu »

In non-USB operation the USB logic isn't enabled, so it doesn't send anything and it isn't listened.

If you plan to put N chips parallel to single USB line without hub IC, that won't work. Even having a VSDSP and USB stick on same line doesn't work.
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