I am trying to match the colour of my usable image background (default colour of all pixels) with the frame around the image (defined by the protoline).
I am using NTSC 320x200 with the attached 8bit palette, which is YUV422. And the desired colour is the dark blue, circled in the palette image. The 8-bit pixel code for this colour is 0x41.
The protoline 16-bit words are interpreted as YUV844 data.
I use the following code to set the colour of the frame in Protoline 0:
Code: Select all
// Blue frame background
#define Frame 0x44
u_int16 w = BLANKEND;
while (w < FRPORCH) {
P42Display.SPIWriteWord (CH0, w++, (u_int16)(Frame<<8) + 0x66 + 9, false);
The SPIWriteWord(channel, addr, data, debug) function writes a 16-bit word into memory of one of the 4 channels in the VS23S040.
How would I calculate from my 8-bit pixel colour to the 16-bit protoline colour?
- Wolfgang.