Test problems found by FTOREV23

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Test problems found by FTOREV23

Post by winwan »

I plugged 23S040 RAM into the hardware system,The system works in 32BIT mode

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Installed system devices:
S:  896K SPI Flash c213, handled by FAT.
Load drivers, config 0...
Driver: run... setclock 90
Driver: auxi2sm... 
Driver: run... auinput -b32
Driver: run... auoutput -b32
Driver: AUXPLAY... 
Driver: UARTIN... 
Driver: S:SHELL.AP3... 

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VS23S0x0 size 512 KiB
  (-r) First reflection:     42 ms
  (-s) Room size       :   600 cm (1-32767)
  (-t) Reverb time     :   2600 ms (1-65535)
  (-f) Room softness   :  32767    (0=hard-65535=soft)
  (-d) Dry gain        :    768    (0-32767, 1024=1)
  (-w) Wet gain        :    256    (0-32767, 1024=1)
       Sample rate     :  48000 Hz
       Delay pairs     :      8
       Ext. mem. size  : 524288 bytes
       Ext. mem. read  : 0x4138 FTOREV23::ReadVS23S0x0
       Ext. mem. write : 0x4144 FTOREV23::WriteVS23S0x0

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S:>SETREV -s900 -v
  (-r) First reflection:     42 ms
  (-s) Room size       :    900 cm (1-32767)  /// :arrow:  :arrow: When the ROOM SIZE is less than 10000, the sound is normal
  (-t) Reverb time     :   2600 ms (1-65535)
  (-f) Room softness   :  32767    (0=hard-65535=soft)
  (-d) Dry gain        :    768    (0-32767, 1024=1)
  (-w) Wet gain        :    256    (0-32767, 1024=1)
       Sample rate     :  48000 Hz
       Delay pairs     :      8
       Ext. mem. size  : 524288 bytes
       Ext. mem. read  : 0x4138 FTOREV23::ReadVS23S0x0
       Ext. mem. write : 0x4144 FTOREV23::WriteVS23S0x0
When the ROOM SIZE is less than 10000, the sound is normal, but when the parameter is increased to more than 10000, there will be BA BA noise, and the larger the parameter, the more obvious

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S:>SETREV -s1000 -v
  (-r) First reflection:     42 ms
  (-s) Room size       :   2000 cm (1-32767) ///the larger the parameter, the more obvious
  (-t) Reverb time     :   2600 ms (1-65535)
  (-f) Room softness   :  32767    (0=hard-65535=soft)
  (-d) Dry gain        :    768    (0-32767, 1024=1)
  (-w) Wet gain        :    256    (0-32767, 1024=1)
       Sample rate     :  48000 Hz
       Delay pairs     :      8
       Ext. mem. size  : 524288 bytes
       Ext. mem. read  : 0x4138 FTOREV23::ReadVS23S0x0
       Ext. mem. write : 0x4144 FTOREV23::WriteVS23S0x0
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Re: Test problems found by FTOREV23

Post by Hannu »


I can't tell straight away what would be the problem.

Please record a sample which has this noise and other without it and upload so we can investigate further. Preferably the source should be same.
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Re: Test problems found by FTOREV23

Post by winwan »

This is the recording file, there are three segments, respectively ROOM SIZE = 0; ROOM SIZE = 900; ROOM_SIZE = 6000;
(18.01 MiB) Downloaded 273 times
(17.79 MiB) Downloaded 275 times
(17.58 MiB) Downloaded 262 times
The running configuration is as follows:

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Installed system devices:
S:  896K SPI Flash c213, handled by FAT.
Load drivers, config 0...
Driver: run... setclock 90
Driver: auxi2sm... 
Driver: run... auinput -b32
Driver: run... auoutput -b32
Driver: AUXPLAY... 
Driver: UARTIN... 
Driver: S:SHELL.AP3... 
S:>driver +ftorev23
VS23S0x0 size 512 KiB
S:>setrev -s900
S:>setrev -s6000

Code: Select all

  (-r) First reflection:     42 ms
  (-s) Room size       :   6000 cm (1-32767)
  (-t) Reverb time     :   2600 ms (1-65535)
  (-f) Room softness   :  32767    (0=hard-65535=soft)
  (-d) Dry gain        :    768    (0-32767, 1024=1)
  (-w) Wet gain        :    256    (0-32767, 1024=1)
       Sample rate     :  48000 Hz
       Delay pairs     :      8
       Ext. mem. size  : 524288 bytes
       Ext. mem. read  : 0x4138 FTOREV23::ReadVS23S0x0
       Ext. mem. write : 0x4144 FTOREV23::WriteVS23S0x0
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Re: Test problems found by FTOREV23

Post by Henrik »


I have downloaded your files and looking at the issue.

I will write here when I know what the issue is.

One question:
If you run SetClock without any parameters, what is the output?

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Kind regards,
- Henrik
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Re: Test problems found by FTOREV23

Post by winwan »

I uploaded AUXPLAY 32BIT
(1.74 KiB) Downloaded 248 times

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  fwrite(buf, sizeof(s_int32)*2 /*stereo */, SAMPLES, stdaudioout);
This FTREV23.C file lines 82-83

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u_int32 sampleRate = 48000UL;
s_int16 bits = 32;

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SetClock running on VS1005g, clocks:
  XTALI 12.288MHz, CLKI 92.160MHz, limit 93.000MHz, src PLL
  RAM Delay 1, POR on
  CVDD 1.950V(25), IOVDD 3.30V(25), AVDD 3.60V(28)
  UART nominal 115200 bps, real 114841 bps (0.3% error), reg 0x006b
  SPI0(I) 23.0 Mbit/s, SPI1 46.1 Mbit/s, NAND 11.5 MByte/s, SD 5.8 MByte/s
Uptime 5:11.7, time counter interrupt 1000.0 times/s
Laser fuse(63:0) = 0x6b11:4222:7156:0418, crc ok
Serial Flash:
  RDID: manufacturer c2 (C2), type 20 (20), density 14 (14)
  SCUR: 0x00. Factory lock off, user lock off
  Field 0, 0x2022 0x0715 0x7156 0x2000 opCode 1 = TrimData
    CRC29:         0x00220715, ok
    USB Trim:      0x7153
    High speed:    no
    Mem Delay:     1
    Int Flash:     2.8 V
    VCORE Trim:    +0
    Customer code: 0
    Unused: 0
  Field 1, 0x5cfc 0x5dbb 0x001f 0xdaf1 opCode 2 = SerialNumber
    CRC29:         0x1cfc5dbb, ok
    Serial number: 0x001fdaf1
  Field 2, 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff opCode 7 = Unused
  Field 3, 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff opCode 7 = Unused
  Field 4, 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff opCode 7 = Unused
  Field 5, 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff opCode 7 = Unused
  Field 6, 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff opCode 7 = Unused
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Re: Test problems found by FTOREV23

Post by winwan »

I retained the AUXPLAY monitoring function, running FTOREV and FTOREV23 is compared as follows, both modules are running at 32BIT, FTOREV23 runs with overflow data, FTOREV can uninstall normally, while FTOREV23 uninstalls error system crash

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S:>driver +ftorev
S:>driver -ftorev
S:>driver +ftorev23
VS23S0x0 size 512 KiB
S:>AUXSPLAY: In overflow +29
AUXSPLAY: Out underflow +28
AUXSPLAY: In overflow +3
AUXSPLAY: Out underflow +4
driver -ftorev23
E'Call to dropped lib! encnt=0, last vector 0x10'
ZeroPtrCall from 7889(0x1ed1) KERNELNoSym
i0=64519(0xfc07) UNASSIGNED=0x0000(0)

Task 0x20a5, priority 2, in RUNNING, name "AUXPLAY"
  State: 3 (TS_READY)
  Stack: Start 0x20b4, size 0x100, in use 0x57, max used 0xff (0x1 free)
  Stack Trace: current PC 0x4b66, Tasks:ZeroPtrCall from 1858(0x0742) KERNELE'Call to dropped lib! encnt=3, last vector 0x10'
ZeroPtrCall from 7889(0x1ed1) KERNEL::�����������������������������[0x24]
i0=64519(0xfc07) Tasks:0:568=0x0000(0)

Task 0x0000, priority 0, in RUNNING, name "3"
  State: 0 (TS_INVALID)
  Stack: Start 0x0000, size 0x0, in use 0x0, max used 0x0 (0x0 free)
  Stack Trace: current PC 0x4b66, Tasks:ZeroPtrCall from 15051(0x3acb) SHELL:
I think the noise is also to blame,

The FTIREV23 was also unable to function properly and died as soon as it started up

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S:>driver +ftirev23
VS23S0x0 size 512 KiB
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Re: Test problems found by FTOREV23

Post by Hannu »

The crash is simply because you removed ftorev before auxplay and while doing that the stdaudioout which auxplay uses points to somewhere where it shouldn't because there isn't code anymore.

The overflows you are probably coming from too small buffers in input or output side. Another reason can be that you don't high enough clock frequency.
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